

A Win-Win

Attorneys, rejoice!
We've got many new laws
It's better than mob work
(And for a great cause!)

'Cause we've got more mouths to feed --
Statistics claim
There's many more lawyers,
A lucrative game.

You say you're not good with a jury?
No sweat --
'Cause nine out of ten take the deal
Yup, you bet!

You still get your money up front --
What a deal!
Spend no time in court,
Have them sign -- what a steal!

It's win-win for everyone.
Let's count the ways:
The prisoner industry
Knows how it plays …

'Specially private-run prisons
Each head, a ca-ching!
Turnover's the game.
It's like passing out wings!

The government issues
A license to steal
Takes houses and assets.
It's legal -- for real!

Just trump up some charges
And threaten their kin
Then offer "The Deal"
Then just reel 'em in!

Prisons designed for just
Two to a cube,
Now feature six?
Can you say, "What a rube!"

Maximize overhead
Triple the take
Same infrastructure,
So "Let them eat cake!"

I'm serious -- for breakfast
It's Starbucks on 'roids
Huge sugary pastries
But if one avoids

The all-carbohydrate
Concoctions they serve --
There's not much else offered
"It's what they deserve!"

What better way
To get rid of the guns
Than to make them illegal
For all post felons!

That's just one example
Of freedoms removed.
There's 46,000 more
Freedoms "improved."

Let's face it -- it's freedom
We need to protect.
From government that's about
All we expect.

It's odd, don't you think? that
It's just the reverse --
The government minions
Are driving the hearse

That's hauling our freedoms
Out -- not one-by-one
But lock, stock and barrel
Until we are done

With anything looking
Like "democracy."
It's all but a fast-fading,
Lost memory …

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