


One day, when Bud and Ron walked home
From first and third grade school
Near Level Park, they stopped to watch
A squirrel play the fool!

Its mamma gave the signal:
"Danger! Climb the nearest tree!"
It found the nearest trunk, though blue,
And started there to flee …

The trunk was blue because that's how
They colored jeans back then --
The trunk he climbed was Buddy's leg,
Though starting near his shin.

Its claws were sharp, if tiny.
Bud reached down to pin him tight.
Wouldn't you know that little squirrel
Still climbed up with all its might!

An inch or two with each short jump,
Halfway to Buddy's waist.
The squirrel made it to Bud's back,
Bud's hand still firmly braced …

But with Ron's help, they made it home,
Then let the squirrel go --
Around and 'round the room he flew,
To where, he didn't know!

We named him "Squeaks," 'twas his idea --
The only word he spoke.
He fin'ly acclimated to
The house and his new folk.

We even took him on the train
To Washington D.C.
Where he escaped for sev'ral hours,
But then came back to me.

Mom wondered how the curtains
In our room got torn to shreds --
Trained, Squeaks could jump ten feet or more,
From shoulders to those threads … 

We let the water trickle from
The faucet in the sink
In the kitchen, so when thirsty,
Squeaks could stand and get a drink!

One day our Cocker Spaniel, Chips,
In fit of jealous rage,
Took after Squeaks, who ran the house.
(He didn't live in a cage.)

I thought that Chips would kill him
As he headed for our room,
So I jumped up quick and grabbed the door,
Save Squeaks from certain doom!

Bad timing . . . As I slammed the door,
I hoped that he was in --
Squeaks bounced back off the closing door
And slammed into my shin!

I jumped up to try and miss him,
But I couldn't hold that pose.
When I came back down, him underfoot --
I crushed his little nose.

Squeaks hung in there -- for three more days,
Then fin'ly breathed his last.
Brother Ron, the preacher, solemnized
His passing -- It was vast …

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